Benign Tumors

Masses in the neck can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Two types of neck masses that can commonly occur are enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy) or fluid-filled cysts. While benign tumors differ from malignant tumors in that they won't spread to other parts of the body, they still carry the potential to cause harmful side effects, including infection or pressure exertion on nearby structures.


Common symptoms of benign head and neck tumors may include:

  • Local irritation or discomfort

  • Trouble swallowing

  • Feeling of lump in throat (globus pharyngeus)

  • Numbness, if nerves are affected


While the causes of benign head and neck masses are unknown, certain factors may contribute to the likelihood of developing a benign mass, including:

  • Genetic risk

  • Infection

  • Stress

  • Poor diet


Small, benign head and neck tumors that do not cause any harmful symptoms are often simply observed. However, surgical intervention may be required for benign masses that may affect surroudning nerves, bloodflow, or other neck structures. Surgical removal of neck masses can be done either endoscopically or via open surgery.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are suffering from a benign tumor, the first step towards feeling better is to schedule an evaluation with an experienced ear, nose and throat doctor. Board certified and fellowship trained in rhinology, our physician at Sensa Health has extensive experience diagnosing and treating a wide variety of head and neck conditions. Call or text our office at 213-267-2256 to schedule an appointment today.